

MIZERO TVET SCHOOL is a Jesuit technical school. The school started as a Centre catering for the 1994 genocide orphans who were accommodated within the Jesuit novitiate premises. Years later, the former orphanage was transformed into a vocational training center, with the aim of helping genocide orphans unable to attend to classical education, to learn some technical skills such as tailoring, culinary art, plumbing, and construction. Today, the school continues to welcome young girls and boys, particularly those from poor families, especially young girls as are the most vulnerable, for vocational and practical formation. Most of these youth are the first-generation their families to attend High school.

Nursery School

Today, the Government of Rwanda, through the Ministry of Education and Rwanda TVET Board (RTB) intends to increase significantly the number of students in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) schools to help young women and men to study more practical and competitive skills so as to become job creators for themselves and for their peers instead of graduating as job seekers. “Mizero” means “Hope”. To give hope to the young women and men whose future depend on quality education and considering the need of increasing both the number of students and quality of education we provide in Mizero, Jesuits desire to grow and develop further the existing Mizero TVET School. We also plan to add a nursery, primary and secondary schools to respond to the need of the youth in the region who need quality education for their better future. This is also a response to the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus inviting the Jesuits to accompany the youth and be on the side of the simplest and the marginalized. The school serves mostly young women and men from poor families of the country.

Primary School

To successfully do so, we need to boost infrastructure of the Technical School by building student’s dormitories, workshops for practices and add more classes and other relevant infrastructure. The entire Mizero project is intended to be realized in three phases and it is will cost over Four million three hundred sixty-five thousand US dollars ($4,365,000).

The first phase is composed of technical school that we currently have and that we are in the process of upgrading. The second phase will be the ordinary level program. Phase one and two will have two dormitories, a dining hall, a multipurpose hall, four workshops, Administration bloc and recreational facilities. The third phase includes the primary and nursery schools and administrative offices. This will need classrooms, furniture, equipment and recreational facilities.

Infrastructure Needed

Phase I

1. Dormitories: These are 2 dormitory units that will host 300 girls and 300 boys.

2. Technical School: The school will have 15 classrooms (11 existing and 4 others to be constructed) and four workshops for practical courses (mechanical, carpentry, masonry, welding & plumbing workshops). Sanitary facilities will be provided for all 500 students we intend to register by the academic year 2024/2025.

3. Dining Hall: This will accommodate students on boarding and day programs, with a capacity of 1000 seats for the entire school complex (O’level & Technical schools).

Phase II

4. Administration Bloc: This will comprise offices, teacher’s room, meeting room, library, bathrooms, and kitchenette.

5. O’level School Classrooms: 24 classrooms, two science laboratory rooms, one library room, and 20 bathrooms will be provided to ensure quality education for over 600 young women and men from Rusizi district and beyond.

6. Multipurpose Hall: A 1000-seat hall for student entertainment and as a revenue source for the school by hosting different events.

7. Solar Energy: Implementation of solar energy systems to preserve the environment, reduce CO2 emissions, and lower energy consumption costs.

Phase III

1. Nursery School: An average of 300 kids will be accommodated, providing space and basic education for their early development.

2. Primary School: Two blocks of 12 classrooms each will provide basic education to more than 600 young girls and boys.

3. Canteen: A staff and student canteen will support the hospitality practices of the Technical School.

Estimated Budget in Order of Priority

Phase I

Project Estimated Cost Funds Available Funds Needed
Girls’ Dormitory $435,000 Completed Completed
Boys’ Dormitory $435,000 $215,000 $220,000
Dining Hall $245,000 0 $245,000
2 Workshops $300,000 0 $300,000
TOTAL $1,415,000 $215,000 $765,000

Phase II

Project Estimated Cost Funds Available Funds Needed
Administration Bloc $250,000 0 $250,000
12 Classrooms $340,000 0 $340,000
Multipurpose Hall $400,000 0 $400,000
Solar Installation $450,000 0 $450,000
TOTAL $1,510,000 0 $1,510,000

Phase III

Project Estimated Cost Funds Available Funds Needed
12 Classrooms for Primary School $340,000 0 $340,000
6 Classrooms for Nursery School $200,000 0 $200,000
Dorm for Kids and Equipment $400,000 0 $400,000
Play Facilities $300,000 0 $300,000
Solar System $200,000 0 $200,000
TOTAL $1,440,000 0 $1,440,000

Any contribution to the Mizero Jesuit Academy project will be very much appreciated as it will help Jesuits and our lay collaborators to provide education to more young women and men from poor families in Rwanda and empower them with education and skills for their hope-filled future.

Your donations can be directed to the treasurer of the US East Jesuit Province who will send them to the Jesuit of Rwanda, or it can be directed through African Jesuit Assistance or directly to the Jesuit Region of Rwanda-Burundi.

Contact Information

US East Jesuit Province

38 E. 83rd St.
New York, NY 10028

Contact person: Fr Richard MacGowan
(Phone: (617) 913 7214; email: rmcgowan@jesuits.org)

Rwanda-Burundi Region of the Society of Jesus

P.O Box 6039 Kigali-Rwanda
152 KG 11 Av

Contact Persons:
1. Fr Benjamin NSENGIYUMVA, SJ (+250781049589; ecorwb@gmail.com)
2. Fr Innocent KAMANZI, SJ (+250788482041; director.mizerotvet@gmail.com)

Director of Mizero Jesuit Academy Project

Fr. Innocent KAMANZI, SJ

Support Our Secondary Schools Project

Your donation will help us provide quality education to children in need. Thank you for your support!