Software development is the process of creating applications through planning, design, coding, testing, deployment, and maintenance. It involves collaboration among developers, designers, and stakeholders to deliver effective solutions.Here in Mizero Tss we have Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5.
Food & Bevarage Operation Food and beverage operations manage the preparation and service of food and drinks in venues, emphasizing quality, staff management, and customer experience.Here in Mizero Tss Food And Bevarage Operation has Level 3,Level 4,Level 5.
Building and construction involve creating structures through planning, construction, and inspections, with various professionals ensuring compliance and efficiency.Here in Mizero Tss we have Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5.
Tailoring is the craft of customizing and fitting clothing to individual measurements and preferences, involving cutting, sewing, and finishing techniques for a personalized fit and style.Here in Mizro we have Level 1.